Skaterz and stuff chapter 2

BILLY: so, this must be where the the dragon lives!
JESSE: Can we make this quick, I have a sinus headache.
ANDY: i am so excited to see a dragon!! UP CLOSE!!

Everyone: WAAOOHH! Bill: is that a CASTLE!?!
ANDY: Sure looks like it!

JESSE: It looks pretty cool. Is this where the dragon lives?
VALMORE: No, we are here to enter the castle and ask for a map.well...what are you all waiting for-LET THE QUEST BEGIN!!

The gang has entered the FORBIDDEN FOREST.

ANDY: Guys, do we remember what we're supposed to do? BILLY: We're gonna find a dragon, why? ANDY: Is this really worth it? VALMORE: If you guys are scared, remember Billy has a sick sword woth 'em! BILLY: what do we get to skate? Im already bored!

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